While being short may be considered as a disadvantage for many reasons, we’re here to make sure dressing up isn’t one of them. The petite body type is one of the most common and comes with it’s own sets of sartorial do’s and don’ts. And if anyone takes these guidelines seriously, it’s got to be Scandal star, Kerry Washington. She’s truly mastered the art of wearing the right outfit, colours and prints to enhance her body and make it look taller. Now if you’re one of the many petite femmes, here’s what you should learn from the style adept Kerry:
1. She opts for micro hemlines to make her legs appear longer.
2. Monochromes work wonders in creating the illusion of height and Kerry knows that too!
3. She uses layers to cover up the looseness of her dress.
4. She makes her frame appear longer using deeper necklines. Basic, but bomb!
5. Opting for slimmer sleeves and flared hemlines help her create a nice balance.
6. Solid colours are a goto for petite bodies rather than prints, which prove to be highly distracting. We love how her look is so streamlined and to the point here.
(Source: Yahoo Style)
So nice it is.........